C WORX vision is to ease the suffering in the world by teaching people to effectively communicate in volatile
situations with care, understanding and respect.
situations with care, understanding and respect.
C WORX provides the most effective practical training in communication and verbal de-escalation by staging adrenalin-triggering role play training in a simulated environment for our clients to safely develop communication and verbal de-escalation skills.
Assist students to discover their strengths and weaknesses when reaching out to others. Help students maintain safety and care while
staying present, connected and responsive to others during volatile interactions.
Provide proven operational communication models and strategies which students can immediately implement in their
personal and professional lives.
Model collaboration in all aspects of the work we do with our clients, students, and community.
Assist students to discover their strengths and weaknesses when reaching out to others. Help students maintain safety and care while
staying present, connected and responsive to others during volatile interactions.
Provide proven operational communication models and strategies which students can immediately implement in their
personal and professional lives.
Model collaboration in all aspects of the work we do with our clients, students, and community.